Meet Your Photographer


As a transracial adoptee from the Philippines, I always wanted to fit in and be loved. One day in my early childhood, my parents gave me the gift of photography with a brand spanking new Fisher-Price camera. It was blue and had a yellow button, with a slot on the top to insert flash cartridges. Growing up around the world with my USAF family, I took pictures everywhere we went. Over time, art and photography have taught me that we’re all amazingly different and that unique spark is what beholders love the most.

For clients, there is still magic to viewing photography at any age.

There’s wonder when a mom, like myself, sits down with her family to look through the family album together and talk stories.

There’s pride and a sense of self when a college graduate comes home and sees their favorite senior portrait of themselves hanging on the wall. Their parents can relish in their child’s portrait on the living room wall because they can see their child’s face every morning even though they’ve flown the nest.

To wrap it up, we are all on different journeys with different stories to tell. At my studio, your stories can be preserved and told with impactful and beautiful photography that can be honored and cherished for years to come.


Jenny Lijana, CPP

A mother, and an awkwardly awesome creative
Sony, Wescott, and Godox Gearhead
Certified Professional Photographer of
Marketing Director and Board Member for
Sargeant of Arms for Smithfield Rotary, District 7600
Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce Member